Point-of-Care Perspectives from PatientPoint

A workforce solution that enhances patient experience: Exam room touchscreens are a win-win

by PatientPoint

Minutes matter.

In acute care, they can mean the difference between life and death. But most medical minutes aren’t emergencies. They are micro encounters—sometimes in the exam room with you, and sometimes before you even walk through the door.

And with current and projected staffing challenges in healthcare, the minutes patients spend in your practice are becoming even more precious. That’s why it’s key to have trusted tools that enhance the patient experience while also decreasing staff burden.

Consider this: A recent poll from the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) highlights how medical assistants are becoming one of the more challenging roles to fill, with 52% of respondents saying they’ve had to hire alternative staff to cover these open positions.1 With fewer providers and staff, survey respondents also note that practices are often forced to cut back on scheduling patients.

There’s also burnout. In fact, the United States Surgeon General has sounded the alarm on health worker burnout and resignation and is projecting a shortage of more than 3 million essential low-wage workers in the next five years and a projected shortage of nearly 140K physicians by 2033.2

That’s where using PatientPoint exam room touchscreens can help complement your staff, not only by impacting efficiency and allowing you to do more with less, but also by providing the right education at the right time to increase patient comprehension and care compliance.

So, what’s the best way to integrate if you have or are considering getting a PatientPoint touchscreen? Here’s how some of our providers are incorporating their exam room touchscreens into existing workflows to save time and empower patients:

Set the stage.

  • Check the chart before rooming a patient and consider what content may be most helpful based on the visit.
  • Upon entering, follow your normal routines—check vitals, gather information and more.
  • Before exiting the room, direct the patient’s attention to the touchscreen and pull up the content you’d like them to read or watch.

Care and comprehension.

Looking for more ideas to incorporate PatientPoint exam room touchscreens into your existing practice workflows? Visit engage.patientpoint.com/interact to learn more about the features and functionality of your exam room touchscreen or contact your Account Manager for a one-on-one consultation.

1The MA conundrum: Finding new workforce solutions amid staffing shortages. Medical Group Management Association. Accessed September 2022. 

2New Surgeon General Advisory Sounds Alarm on Health Worker Burnout and Resignation. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Accessed September 2022.  

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