Point-of-Care Perspectives from PatientPoint

Video: Must have features in engagement tech for eye care patients

by PatientPoint

Must have features in patient engagement technology

Here are the must have features in engagement technology for eye care patients.

Video transcript

With innovations in technology, healthcare and communication delivery, there are a lot of great options for practices to implement effective patient engagement technology that influences patient behavior to improve outcomes.

At PatientPoint, we define patient engagement technology as the tools and systems that help patients become active partners with their care team in healthcare decisions.

While wearables like an Apple watch or Fitbit are mobile healthcare devices, unless those readings are shared with the doctor to inform treatment and care decisions, they’re not ‘engagement technology’. So, how do you choose the right technology that meets your practice goals?

Here are 3 features you should look for.

  1. Targeted messaging
    • Delivery of information that’s relevant to ‘where’ a person is in their journey—both their patient journey and their physical location.
  2. Customization
    • Ability to tailor the experience of the technology to the unique needs of your patients and your practice.
  3. Visualization tools
    • Access to specialty-specific tools designed to improve patient comprehension and enhance doctor-patient conversations.

Want to see it in action? Visit go.patientpoint.com/get-demo to learn more about our patient engagement technology.

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