Point-of-Care Perspectives from PatientPoint

The Inside Story on #LiveHealthyOutside

by Lori Goetzinger

Think about the last time you spent time outside (walking to and from the car doesn’t count!). Now think about how you felt afterward. I’m guessing you felt better and it’s no coincidence: Research has linked spending time outside to a wide variety of health benefits. For example, did you know that moderate exposure to sunlight can actually lower your blood pressure?

Brochure spread showing Live Healthy Outside tip.

This summer PatientPoint is encouraging patients, families and providers to live their best lives outside through a campaign we’re calling Live Healthy Outside. The campaign pairs nature photos with quick tips tagged #LiveHealthyOutside all designed to help readers get outside, take a breath and boost their health.

While I’m excited about this campaign for so many reasons, I’m most proud of how well it exemplifies our PatientPoint content philosophy. We call this the “Three As,” which stand for approachable, action-oriented and aspirational.

Content Is Approachable

Perhaps the greatest thing about going outside is that pretty much anyone can do it easily and safely. The #LiveHealthyOutside campaign, like all of our content, is designed to meet people where they are—regardless of age or fitness level—with information that is inviting and easy to understand. We also take great care in selecting images: We want people to see themselves in our content! The ultimate goal for every piece of content we produce is to spark better doctor-patient engagement, which we know contributes to better health outcomes.

Live healthy outside tip with nature photo.

Content Is Action-Oriented

While reading about the health benefits of the outdoors is one thing, actually getting up and going outside is another. The #LiveHealthyOutside campaign is designed to inspire action, providing specific examples to help people follow through. Throughout all of our content, we always provide examples of concrete strategies people can leverage to help reach their goals. For example, we might suggest three 10-minute walks every day for readers who want to lose weight, but who may have a difficult time carving out an hour each day to hit the gym.

Content Is Aspirational

The content in our #LiveHealthyOutside campaign is designed to be positive and encouraging. We realize that people are busy and can’t always make it outside, so our content even includes tips such as opening a window when they don’t have time to get outdoors. This is what PatientPoint content is all about—making people feel supported and understood while encouraging them to make healthy choices to support a happy and healthy lifestyle.

How Do You #LiveHealthyOutside?

Reach out to us on social media @patientpoint using #LiveHealthyOutside and show us how you are boosting your health by getting outside this summer!

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